Simply visit our store, or the category of website you need. Once you have selected the website(s) you want town, click on BUY NOW


Once I receive your order, I will contact you either by phone, email, social media… whatever you note for me on your order form as the preferred way to contact you.

This contact will be simple and quick to find out if you have any specific pics, videos, text or anything else you are going to send me to add to your website.

Of course, I will provide you with instructions at delivery, on how to add any of this for yourself.


Once I have completed your website, I will deliver it to you via email. Complete with your login credentials. I ask that you explore and look at your website for 1 full day. To get familiar with it.

During this time, make notes about what needs revised or what you would like added, or removed. I always do a free of charge revision session after initial delivery. Any editing after that will be done by you, as the owner.

You know your business, goal, purpose better than I do, or will. I am always here as a partner in business, but I can’t and won’t do your business for ya, lol! 🙂 

Call us

Phone:  (502)450-1490

Visit us

Louisville, KY. 40245

Mail us

Info:  larry@kentuckianawebsites.com

Follow me

Providing websites and business direction to Kentuckiana small business, online entrepreneurs and multi venture hustlers since 2018.

Business hours


11:00 am - 4:00 pm
11:00 am - 4:00 pm
11:00 am - 4:00 pm
11:00 am - 4:00 pm
11:00 am - 4:00 pm
Closed                                          11:00 am - 4:00 pm

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