Thanks for choosing me as your web designer. When checking out and making your payment, I DO NOT want your credit / debit card information.

I know as a Frontend engineer how bad hacking and identity theft is. We’ve all seen it in the news, if not been victim of it ourselves.

So that being said, paying by PayPal is an option, but you still have to enter your credit card info into my site and I’d prefer you didn’t…

BUT, again, if this is your preferred way to pay. I will respect that and accept it.

I prefer a way that does not involve you sending me credit card info, so feel free to pay me with Cashapp. You can still use your credit / debit card, but just to fund your Cashapp and your personal credit info is never entered into my site.

That way is great for me and should be comforting for you, as I don’t want anyone’s personal financial info.

Again, thanks for your business and support! I look forward to working with you!




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Louisville, KY. 40245

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Providing websites and business direction to Kentuckiana small business, online entrepreneurs and multi venture hustlers since 2018.

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