There are many things to think about when starting a new business. Everything from what do I call my business, to legal, accounting and website issues.

There’s a lot to keep track of, and quite a long list of things to do. Having formed over a dozen businesses and supported the formation of dozens of businesses, I have a lot of experience to support you in developing your business. 



I often see people most flummoxed by the technical aspects of starting a business: the legal formation of the business, the business licenses and getting a business bank account, building the infrastructure…

These are all very important steps that every business must take, and they are not what will make or break your business. The deciding factor of if a business will succeed or fail is if enough clients come through the door repeatedly and in a timely fashion. 

A well thought out name for your business and good website are important tools for bringing in clients. This day and age a website is an absolute must in order to look like a reputable, credible, expert and professional business.

Owning a dynamic website for your business alone sets you above your competition, that does not own one!